Monday, February 25, 2013

Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes

I found this recipe on Pinterest (where else?) & love all things orange creamsicle so I thought I would give it a go!  It did not disappoint, though honestly, I could do without the icing.  I did icing from a can (yep, went the easy way out) & it's just to sweet for me.  I should have actually made my own, but I haven't found one that I just love yet either. 

I used this recipe from Cooking Classy & should have tried her buttercream icing.  I will do it soon though & maybe it's the one I should have been using all along!

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

I am not a fan of making pancakes.  I usually leave this up to my husband.  I get the pan too hot, I suck at flipping, etc, etc.  But, I attempted Cinnamon Roll Pancakes Saturday morning, with a little help from my daughter.  We used this recipe from Recipe Girl.  I did not get any pictures (trust me, you don't want to see the creation I made).  They were not pretty in the least bit, but they actually were very yummy & the cream cheese glaze was AH-mazing!  One day, I will perfect my pancake flip! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

My attempt

I am going to attempt a cooking blog.  I'm just really getting started with the whole meal plan/cooking new recipes thing, as it is a goal for the new year.  It's going well for the past couple of months, so I thought I would create a blog of some of the recipes I tried & the reviews of my family & me.  It will probably be slow starting off, because I'm not the best about keeping up with blogs, but hopefully once I get momentum, it will be easier to keep up!  Wish me luck!